Welcome to Vernon Mission Christian Fellowship!
We are a rural mountain community serving God together.

We are Bible-Based, Spirit-Led!  The Word is faithfully preached and we strive for APPLICATION.  That is where growth happens in our lives.  We look for healing and wholeness of body, mind and spirit through understanding and applying the Word of God.

We relate to Acts 16:9 which tells us, "And a vision appeared to Paul in the night:  a man from Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, "Come over to Macedonia (Vernon) and help us."  Along with this, we relate to Nehemiah 4:6 which says, "So we built the wall.  And all the wall was joined together to half its heights for the people had a mind to work."  

We invite you to participate!

New to Vernon Mission Christian Fellowship?
This is our origin story:

Our Founding Pastor, Nick Scienski, planted Vernon Mission Christian Fellowship in August 1988, with 15 people in attendance for that first service. He envisioned a building a church with a simple goal: reaching those far from Christ. Seeing people saved, healed in body, soul and spirit and recognizing the call God has for them has and is the unchanging goal of this ministry. With the help of many people in agreement with that vision for this local church, VMCF has experienced significant growth.

Check "Events" for more information.


  • Adult Bible Study at 8:30 am
    • Except for the First Sunday of each month.  On First Sundays, our leadership team gathers to pray during this hour.
  • Church Service at 9:30 am
    • First Sunday of the month is Communion with Fellowship Potluck after service.  Except for the first Sunday, children praise and worship with their families and then are dismissed for Sunday School.


  • Open Bible Study at 6:30 pm