YOU are welcome here!
We are men, women, and children...but most of all...we are FAMILY.


  • Q: What is it like?  A:  Just like any family get together, we are not that formal.  We do try to begin on time at 9:30 am and we do our best to finish by 11:30 am.  Then, we hang out together over coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Q: What about my kids? A:  We love kids!  Your kids are welcome to remain in the service with you; however, we do offer Sunday School during the main service for children from nursery through 8th grade.  Once we have finished Praise & Worship, they are dismissed with their teachers and will return before the end of the service.
  • Q:  What do I wear? A:  Come in whatever is comfortable.  You will see a variety of clothing from suits and ties to jeans and boots.
  • Q:  What denomination is Vernon Mission Christian Fellowship? A:  We do not belong to a denomination.  We are a Bible-based, Spirit-led independent fellowship.
  • Q:  How do I become a member?  A: We are a fellowship of believers and do not have members.  
  • Q:  How can I get connected? A:  Fill out a "Guest Information" form and drop it in the offering box on the wall of the sanctuary, email us at, or give us a call at 928-537-2839.  We are excited to have you join us in serving the Lord.



You can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God. You can expect to find a place where creativity and fellowship come together to worship God in new and exciting ways. You can expect to be encouraged, challenged, convicted, excited and, most importantly, welcomed.